When you become a patient at HealthFirst Spine & Wellness, Austin Chiropractors Dr. Brad Holden and Dr. Nicole Holden will give you the time, attention and compassion that you deserve. Our goals are threefold:
Dr. Holden has taken his 25 years of experience helping over 11,000 individuals regain their health and combined that with hundreds of hours of post graduate study to create a unique approach to care, which includes understanding your goals, evaluating your alignment, and developing a customized plan for each individual. This approach ensures the highest quality of care to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.
Our approach to care is built on the premise that in order to provide the correct treatment, we must understand what your goals are. Are you interested in temporary relief or are you looking to correct the underlying cause of your health problem? On average 92% of our patients want to identify and correct the cause.