Dr. Jocelyn Mecham, D.C.
Has a life long curiosity with science as it pertains to the physical nature of movement, body, and its connection to the soul.
As a child she participated in every movement art form from softball, volleyball, basketball, track and field, to martial arts, rugby, and dance. She would spend hours being in nature, stargazing, dreaming of digging up dinosaur bones, flying into space, discovering the unknown. In college she furthered her scientific interest through interning at the surgical unit in St. Francis Memorial Hospital, and working at the UC Davis Pathogen Detection Lab.
Through adulthood she fostered her connection to the soul that drives each person, discovering herself, through meditative and spiritual practices.
Her introduction to chiropractic care was an instant pairing of her two loves, the physical body and the spirit of the individual, and how connected or disconnected they can be, and its manifestation in the expression of health and the human potential (of individual) for greatness.
Dr. Joce believes that everyone should have the opportunity to show up as their best self at any given moment under any condition. She brings an incredibly unique and personal holistic approach to care. She has traveled the world in service to others from India, to Haiti, to Hong Kong and brings her experience of healing, sports performance, and end of life care to her practice.
Pricing & Services
Local Onsite Business Adjusting
Variable hourly rate — Be the best office you can. Bring a chiropractor into your office to adjust your team. Ask about health talks for your employees.
Travel With Your Team
Variable rate — Bring a chiropractor on the road with your team or onsite for your event. Prevent injury, reduce recovery and pain, improve healing, and prepare for peak performance.
Initial Consultation
Personal: $130 — Comprehensive physical exam and history, discussing goals and expectations.
Personalized Holistic Adjustment
Personal: $70 — Individual personal connected adjustment.
Non Profit/Community Serving
Varies —Do you know an amazing non profit that needs some love and attention. Help us give back to our community and those in need.
Education/Personal Chiropractic Training
$130/hour — D. C. wanting to grow your adjusting skill set. Dr. Joce facilitates in the development of the art of adjusting.