When you visit a Café of Life, you will encounter an eclectic, open, humane, and professional environment that is a reflection of our own expression as an individual. We communicate with you openly, in the “now” moment, human being to human being, allowing who we truly are to shine through. We have dropped the persona of “Doctor” to establish a real, open relationship that allows for vulnerability, honesty and humility.
As our relationship blossoms, we request your “vital information,” background on you and your family-those events that have marked your life and may be influencing the person you are today-as well as gathering an understanding of what you feel are your needs, goals and objectives today. What is your present lifestyle and “life story?”
From here we explain what we do and what we do not do, ensuring a clear understanding between the two of us as to the purpose and objective of the service and care.
We then perform an in depth neuro-spinal assessment. We feel for tone, motion, level of connectivity. We assess spinal cord tension, soft tissues and meningeal involvement, and deliver appropriate adjustments for your specific presentation that day. There will be potential manifestations, which you may experience as a result of the adjustment, and these will be explained.
Following this initial encounter, where you now have an understanding of our care and service, we ask you to decide your next step: to commit to yourself, your life, your journey and well being by engaging in the dynamic process of Chiropractic Service, or to leave our office in peace, knowing that we are here for you whenever you may need us.
The Café of Life offers regular educational talks, events, lectures, teachings and “playshops” as part of our service. We invite and encourage you to attend whenever you can to further enhance your growth and evolution.
The educational process is designed to advance an increased knowledge and understanding of the human body, its symptomology, physiology, and pathology; the healing system, nerve system, neurospinal system, belief system and all other vital systems. It addresses natural laws, Vitalistic Principles and a natural philosophy of life, health, healing, wellness, well being, birth and dying.
And as our relationship evolves, from time to time we sit with you, outside your regular visit, to reassess where you are and your commitment to your process.
We endeavor to create community and serve as a “Point of Light,” giving out of our own abundance and love. You will find that we seem to be on our own endless vacation, for, after all, we enjoy what we do, and we know that spirit is infectious. You’ll discover it too.