Chirorpractic and physical medicine
Dr. Drew Deppen takes pride in the diversity of his practice.
He has worked with a wide variety of patients from Olympic medalists to the everyday active person, 90-year-olds to newborn babies, spinal cord injury patients and expecting moms.
His goals are to use his background to coach and teach an active model of health and to allow patients to achieve their own health and fitness needs and goals.
He has a deep interest in Rehabilitation strategies, Vojta Therapy or Dynamic Neuromusclar Stabilization, McKenzie Method Protocol, Active Release Technique, Strength and Conditioning, and Applied Kinesiology. Dr. Deppen is also the only Chiropractor in Boston Back Bay with McKenzie certification credentials. Additionally, Dr. Deppen is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and a USA Track and Field Certified Coach. Research has proven that both chiropractic manipulation and exercise are the gold standard for spine pain. Dr. Deppen’s combination of Chiropractic, McKenzie Method, and Strength Coach experience is a powerful combination for patients.
Dr. Deppen grew up in Chicago, IL. He has a background in sports, competing in both swimming and volleyball. While in college Drew captained the team under Coach Dexter Rodgers, a former silver medalist.
Dr. Deppen then attended Palmer College of Chiropractic and graduated magna cum laude. While learning about biomechanics and physiology at Palmer, Dr. Deppen developed a love for endurance sports: Running, Cycling, and triathlons. Since then Dr. Deppen has completed multiple Ironman events, and every distance from 5k up through 100 mile road races. He even earned elite amateur status as a triathlete.
As a way to couple Dr. Deppen’s love of running and desire to help out in the community, he started coaching and working with a local high school while in Chicago. He had the pleasure to coach high school athletes in both Cross Country and Track and Field for 3 years.